### 🪞Appearance
- ⌨️PC Players are 6-legged ants
- Each ant leg uses inverse kinematics to move and naturally step onto its terrain
- The legs are in opposing groups to appear natural
- Body is approximately the size of a 🖐️VR Players hand
🦵Movement & Control
- WASD keys to move around
- Mouse movement to look around
- Locking mouse to move camera can be set by player to left, middle, or right click
- Grabbing nearby objects
- Pickup nearby objects and move them around/interact with them
- Objects must have rigidbodies to be interactable
- Left, middle, or right click can be assigned by the player to do this action
- ⌨️PC Players can respawn and only lose when every ⌨️PC Player is dead
- Can have up to 3 extra lives saved up
- Configurable in the pregame lobby
- Lives are gained by eating cheese
- Cheese is gained by placing 3 small rocks found around the map on plates
- Between 2-5 plates are scattered around the map
- There should always be more plates than 🖐️VR Players, so that the 🖐️VR Players cannot guard a plate with their full attention
- Cheese is gained by approaching plates and drawing 5 random shapes that are prompted